Welcome to The Brave Table
Oct. 3, 2022

77. How To Be Loving, Find Forgiveness, and Cultivate Self-Compassion with Danielle Laporte

77. How To Be Loving, Find Forgiveness, and Cultivate Self-Compassion with Danielle Laporte

A more loving world — isn't that the dream? Especially when tensions are running high, and it seems like we're sinking deeper into duality. Well, what if more love were possible, starting with you? What if you could discover how to find blessings in...

A more loving world — isn't that the dream? Especially when tensions are running high, and it seems like we're sinking deeper into duality. Well, what if more love were possible, starting with you? What if you could discover how to find blessings in everything, even in the chaos? What if you could free yourself from the labels and conditioning that keep you separate from others and instead embody forgiveness, compassion, and love? Tune in to hear my guest in this episode, Danielle Laporte, share how we can all live heart-centered lives and honor the struggle and beauty of all beings. 

Danielle LaPorte is a bestselling author, inspirational speaker, entrepreneur, and blogger. She is also the host of the With Love, Danielle podcast. Forbes named Danielle's blog one of the top 100 websites for women in 2012, and she is one of Oprah Winfrey's Super Soul 100 Leaders, described by Winfrey as someone who "is uniquely connecting the world together with a spiritual energy that matters." Her latest book, How to Be Loving, is a nuanced perspective on the life-changing power of Self Compassion, shadow work, and being more receptive to Higher Guidance. It is a guide on how to use the genius of your heart to create conditions for healing.

Here’s what we get into this episode…

- Navigating the duality of emotions

- How can you love your neuroses? 

- The true definition of self-compassion 

- How to embody your virtues

- What is shadow work and how to get started 

- Tips on how to approach tough conversations

- And so much more.

Be sure to also check out… 

- Find Danielle on Instagram @daniellelaporte

- Get your copy of her latest book, How To Be Loving, at daniellelaporte.com/howtobeloving, and grab your free audio chapter.

- Join her Heart Centered Membership at daniellelaporte.com/heartcentered

- Tune into Episode 37 for more on the duality of emotions

- More on cultivating self-love and compassion in Episode 61 with Dorota Stańczyk

Pre-order for my upcoming book, That Sucked. Now What? is now available! Order today, and you'll get exclusive freebies, including a 40-page accompanying guidebook and a free ticket to my virtual launch party!